Brandon Little

Brandon Little is Vice President of Product Design for Shinola and Bedrock Watch Company, where he oversees design direction and strategy.

Brandon brings a unique eye to decades of watch design spanning the horological spectrums from historic Swiss timepieces and complications to contemporary expressions of modern timekeeping. A master craftsman, with training in fine arts and graphic design and a master's from Richemont Groups Creative Academy, his unique history is a cumulation of the past, present, and future.

Before joining Shinola and Bedrock Watch Company in 2016, Brandon led a $3 billion, 12-brand Portfolio Division at Fossil Groups, splitting time between the US and Switzerland design studios while simultaneously serving as creative director at Zodiac Watch Brand.

Brandon is a master craftsman and maintains a dedicated practice called Copyleft which is focused on bespoke handmade buffalo horn eyewear.

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