Mark Cho

Mark Cho spent his formative years in the UK and US and graduated from Brown University. He is the co-founder of The Armoury, a high end men's clothier in Hong Kong and New York, and co-owner of Drake's, a British heritage brand with shops worldwide. He has over ten years of experience as an entrepreneur in high end men's clothing and tailored clothing. He has been a watch collector for over 16 years.

His interests in horology range from vintage to modern, two handers to grand complications. He has written for Robb Report, Watches by SJX and The Rake Japan as well as been interviewed by Hodinkee, Revolution and A Collected Man. He also designed and launched two watch collaborations: the H. Moser x The Armoury Total Eclipse and the Naoya Hida Type 2C Lettercutter. His favourite colour right now is olive

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