James Dowling

James has been collecting watches for almost forty years, his collecting fetishes have been focused on such diverse areas as Nagra tape recorders, M series Leica cameras, cars and first editions of the works of William Gibson. 
He has written about watches for publications on every continent except South America and Antarctica, including the Times of London and the Rolex in-house magazine. 
Along with his friend, Jeffrey Hess, James wrote the first detailed history of the Rolex watch company, the book is now in its third edition. 
He was involved with the horological website Timezone.com from the very beginning and was editor in chief for over a decade as well as moderating the site’s two Rolex fora. 
He is currently ostracised from the larger watchmaking community due to his insistence that quartz technology was the most important horological discovery of the twentieth century. 

He is currently semi-retired and splits his time between the UK and Italy. 


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