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Create your Own Automata - Fiona Krüger

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Create your Automata with Fiona Krüger

Discover the art of mechanics in this immersive practical class, led by Artist and Designer Fiona Krüger.

Fiona Krüger’s artistic practice spans the mechanical arts, with her current projects taking her into the world of automata. In this session, Krüger will share her artistic approach to turning simple mechanical components into animated living stories.

In this creative workshop, you will have the opportunity to tap into your inner artist and bring your story to life by creating your own automata from paper and card. Learn about the wonderful world of mechanical arts and discover how simple cams can be translated into magical mechanisms.

Fiona Krüger 

Radical ideas, applied with precision - Fiona Krüger brings together the worlds of Watchmaking, Fine Art & Design, creating exceptional pieces to cherish forever.

Please note that seating is limited, and all sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis.

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