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One to Watch: Beda’a

After a series of strong releases and a brand refresh, Beda’a watches are rapidly earning a reputation as one of the most interesting upstart brands of 2024. The Qatar-based brand has been around since 2016 under the name Albidaa — as part of the luxury group of the same name. Earlier this year, the company renamed itself Beda’a. While the name has changed, the man behind the watches remains the same: Sohaib Maghnam, an automotive design engineer who has brought a strong design sensibility to the Beda’a watches, with releases like the Eclipse and the Angles earning plenty of attention, with this young Qatari brand earning plenty of fans from around the world. 

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Bedaa Watches (1).png

The Eclipse, Beda’a’s debut release

The Eclipse, Beda’a’s debut release

The first sign that Beda’a was onto something was the Eclipse. The Eclipse is a sophisticated and confident design that offers plenty of value. The Eclipse (currently sold out) is powered by an unremarkable SW300 — a reliable workhorse that’s rarely described as exciting. But what Beda’a has managed to achieve with it is quite impressive. The Eclipse doesn’t have a conventional handset. Instead, it offers a dial that is largely obscured by a subtly frosted shield, with a fan-shaped aperture at the top, which reveals the current hour, and a minutes hand that, thanks to being largely obscured, resembled the tip of a gauge. The overall effect is reminiscent of mystery clocks, and it’s a savvy design choice that really sets the Eclipse apart. 

The other elements of this genuinely novel release don’t disappoint either — the lines of the 37mm case are strong, with lugs comprised of four seperate elements that serve to enhance the overall roundness of the case. Additionally the slender 8.1mm height amplifies the overall sophistication of the Eclipse.

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Bedaa Watches (3).png

Angles, released at Geneva Watch Days

Angles, released at Geneva Watch Days

Not content with resting on the laurels of the Eclipse, Maghnam and the Beda’a team followed up with a debut at Geneva Watch Days (Beda’a was the only Arabic brand to exhibit at the event) with the sleek and dressy Angles. In some ways, this geometrically distinct watch is a re-release, as the Angles was initially released by the brand under its previous name. Really, though, this new version is so much more mature; it deserves to be considered its own thing. Angles is, as you would expect from the name, a strongly shaped watch. Now, it’s not unique to have an octagonal watch, but this slender, dressy version offers something a little different from the usual sporty fare. The case is nicely sized at 37mm, and the overall impression is of muted sophistication. The printed dial text is subtle and has a faded air. The edges of the case are softened too, with a rounded, stepped finish that adds to the tactility of the design. As with the Eclipse, the Angles is a watch that prioritises accessibility, as evidenced by the choice of a quartz calibre. However, if Beda’a were ever to create an elevated version of this design, we wouldn’t complain. 

The watch industry in 2024 is increasingly international, and it’s great to see Beda’a, a brand born in the Gulf, emerge so confidently onto the world stage. 


Horology Forum 2023

Horology Forum 2023

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Digest Detail 8_ On with the show_Christies_1194x640px.jpg

Dubai Watch Weeks’ Christie’s educational program

Dubai Watch Weeks’ Christie’s educational program


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