Laurent Ferrier

A watchmaker in heart and mind, I nurtured a long cherished dream: to lend a face to my own values. This was far more  than a mere intention, but an authentic aspiration for simplicyty, precision and pure uncluttered beauty.

As the son and grandson of watchmakers, I always dreamt of perpetuating the exceptional nature of swiss horology. Respect for tradition does not prevent innovation. You will discover in each of our exclusive creations, with perfectly pure and balanced design inspired by centuries of history, the entire universe of finely crafted and technically avant-garde mechanism.


LAURENT FERRIER would become our bridge between the past and the present


Each of our developments, from conception through assembly, is made in our geneva workshops. I trust that you will appreciate this approach to fine watchmaking and that through these pages you will discover the passion that continuously drives us forward in the quest for excellence, performance, and renewed challenges.

Laurent Ferrier has succeeded in developing an elegance of style that escapes the reach of time, while giving a distinctive character to each timepiece thanks to a harmonious array of details. Here too, as in car racing, everything is a matter of balance.

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