Ludovic Ballouard

I have always been attracted by the infinitely small, this is why I started very young the practice of aeromodelling, my hands have always had this need to hold in them a tool. At the age of 16 I therefore wanted to become a dental technician and it was by learning about this job that an adviser asked me, and why not a watchmaker?
I got an amazing revelation! 
When I was a child, I always had the desire to be independent in life.
After watchmaking school, I worked in aeronautics for 10 years as an aircraft board instrument technician, then 10 years in watchmaking, including 3 with Frank Muller and 7 with Francois Paul Journe.
I had ideas for a new watch concept already at school, but I lacked experience…
I find inspiration in everyday life.


Only the present moment has a meaning


It was at the age of 39 and after working on the biggest existing complications such as the Grande Sonnerie by FPJ that I thought it was now time to take off on my own with my own ideas.
For the Upside Down, I found inspiration in the 2008 financial crisis, the media around the world was talking about the numbers falling so I thought if only one kept looking up, then that was enough to continue living. 
This truly «Carpe Diem» model is a symbol of the triumph of optimism over pessimism.
For Half Time, the inspiration came from Love...when two halves are found to form only one.

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