Ben Küffer

Before founding NORQAIN in 2018, Ben worked for the watch company Breitling for more than 11 years where he was responsible for the Swiss and Asian market development. Ben has always had a very close relationship to the Schneider family and when Breitling was sold in 2017 he knew this was the moment to found his own family owned and independent watch company.

From a family perspective of watch influence, Ben’s father, Marc Küffer, has more than 45 years of experience in the manufacturing of Swiss luxury watches. Marc is the Chairman for NORQAIN, having before also been a member of the Board of the Swiss Watch Industry Association for more than 25 years. Ben’s ties in the watch industry only deepen as Ted Schneider, the son of the watch legend Théodore Schneider, is also on the NORQAIN Board of Directors.

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