Dr. Andrew Hildreth

Dr. Andrew K. G. Hildreth is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, Freeman of the City of London, and a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. He is Watch Editor for I-M Intelligent Magazine, The Daily Mail LUXURY magazine, and Business Insider. A consultant to Christie’s and Christie's Education as well as external examiner to Birmingham City University in their BA (Hons) Horology.

A lifelong enthusiast and collector of watches - it was the first thing he asked his parents for when he was four years old. He has written for several other publications on watchmaking and haute horologerie. His articles can be found in a variety of publications including the Financial Times, Revolution, GQ, Esquire, WatchesbySJX and A Collected Man.

You can also follow him on Instagram: @dr.andrew_hildreth. 

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