Laila Abdullatif

Laila Mostafa Abdullatif has served as Director General at Emirates Nature–WWF since May 2017. Her role involves leading the organisation locally, and she is part of the WWF Asia Pacific executive team responsible for leading strategy for the region. She is instrumental in successfully initiating and implementing several impact-driven conservation and education movements.

In charge of leading the organisation in its mission to deliver high-impact, science- based, robust conservation solutions, she forges and nurtures strategic partnerships with a range of stakeholders including the UAE government, private sector and civil society— all of which are fundamental to Emirates Nature-WWF’s success. Laila believes in the importance of mobilising the public to take action, by presenting a diverse range of scalable opportunities that highlight the vital connection between nature and humanity.

Laila is part of the UAE’s Circular Economy Council which catalyses the move towards a more circular economy for the nation.

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