Manuel Emch

At 29, he was appointed head of Jaquet Droz, becoming the Swatch Group’s youngest President & CEO. At the same time, he was member of the Swatch Group Extended Management Board, was Head of Eastern and Central Asian Countries, and set up the Russian subsidiary. 

In 2007, he also joined the Senior Management Team of the Swatch brand, alongside his mentor, Nicolas G Hayek.

In 2010, Manuel Emch took over the reins of RJ Watches SA and was the first to forge successful collaborations in fine watchmaking (such as Super Mario, Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Pokémon, Batman, Spiderman, Marvel etc.)

In 2018, Manuel Emch created Le Büro where he provides advice to various luxury/watchmaking brands. He developed Louis Erard’s very successful new strategy including collaborations with famous watchmakers (Alain Silberstein, Vianney Halter).

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