Nicholas Foulkes

Nicholas Foulkes is the author of around 30 books on the arts, history and material culture.  He is best known for his critically acclaimed trilogy of 19th century histories: Scandalous Society, (a biography of Count d'Orsay); Dancing Into Battle, A Social History of the Battle of Waterloo; and Gentlemen and Blackguards, Gambling Mania and the plot to steal the Derby of 1844.

A noted authority on horology he is the author of the Authrozied biography of Patek Philippe, Reverso, Time Tamed and other books on timepieces.
He is a contributing editor to The FT's How To Spend It Magazine; a contributing editor to Vanity Fair;  a columnist for Country Life and luxury editor of British GQ. He launched  Vanity Fair's twice yearly watch magazine Vanity Fair On Time  as well as Vanity fair On Art and Vanity fair En Route.

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