Amr Al Otaishan

Amr AlOtaishan, former CEO of Reuge and current board member, is a seasoned professional in the luxury goods industry, particularly in mechanical art and horology. He led Reuge through a transformative phase, enhancing operational efficiency and product quality. Amr’s leadership was pivotal in navigating the company through the complexities of the market, balancing the preservation of brand authenticity and adapting to industry innovations. He recently led the strategic acquisition of Reuge by De Bethune, ensuring the brand's legacy is not only preserved but is also poised for unprecedented growth and innovation. Amr brings firsthand experience and insights into the challenges and triumphs of maintaining brand authenticity in a landscape dominated by conglomerates.


Academically, Amr AlOtaishan has an engineering background, with a Master's degree from Imperial College London in Mechanical Engineering, focused on nuclear and renewable energies. He also holds an MBA from the University of Oxford


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