Arwa Damon

Arwa has often focused her reporting on human stories, reflecting the emotional intensity of war through the people that she meets, ensuring that the reporting and the headlines focus on the impact of war.

Until June 2022, Arwa was a senior international correspondent for CNN. She parted ways with the network to pursue other storytelling avenues and launched Scrappy Goat Media in July 2022 to embark on her first documentary venture as a director and producer, which is currently in post-production. 

During her sixteen years at CNN, she reported from across the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Asia. Arwa started her journalism career in Iraq in 2003 just before the US-led invasion began. Before joining CNN as a correspondent, Arwa spent three years covering Iraq and the Middle East as a freelance producer for various news organizations including Feature Story News (PBS) and CNN.

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