Danièla Dufour

Danièla Dufour, born on July 06, 2001 in France, is a Franco-Swiss-Cameroonian watchmaker working alongside her father in their family-owned manufacture Philippe Dufour SA in Solliat (Vallée de Joux – CH) and custodian of her own brand : Danièla Dufour Sàrl.

In 2021, she obtained her watchmaking diploma and received it with her first Simplicity on the wrist. She will manufacture alongside her father, the limited edition of the 20th anniversary of Simplicity

Became a member of the GPHG jury and academy since 2022.

In 2023, Philippe, Elisabeth and Danièla created the «Philippe & Elisabeth Dufour Foundation» for humanitarian and non-profit purposes to help people in need and redistribute part of what they received.


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