Gary Getz

Gary Getz is a long-time watch enthusiast whose collection includes the work of both independents and major brands and whose interests span contemporary, neo-vintage, and vintage timepieces. His popular Instagram page @garyg_1 features his watch photography; since 2014 he has been a regular contributor as “Resident Collector” to watch website; and he is a popular panelist and moderator at Dubai Watch Week and elsewhere.

As the recently retired CEO of business strategy consultancy Strategos, Gary also takes a strong interest in the business and marketing sides of the watch industry, comments on them in his writing, and acts as an informal advisor to select brands. 

Gary served as a member of the GPHG Jury in 2018 and 2019 and is a member of the organization’s Academy.


Gary and his wife Lorrie, a veterinarian, live in Northern California with their three cats and four horses.

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