Olivier Segura

A man of passion, Olivier Segura only came across the world of jewelry after a few years devoted to advertising and communication. On completing his initial training, scientific studies in biology and geology with a diplomain gemology, he moved to Bangkok where he created his gem trading company. Thanks to this, he discovered the fascinating world of jewelry and craftsmanship. Returning to Paris to take over the management ofthe LFG (French Gemological Laboratory), a position he held for ten years, he joined L’ÉCOLE, School ofJewelry Arts’ Scientific Council. In 2018, Olivier Seguratook the plunge and joined the institution as Scientific Director. He has been responsible for new courses, suchas “Pearl: History, Science and Legends”, exhibitions,such as “Garden of Emeralds” which will be unveiled at the opening of the new Dubai campus, and severalbooks, the latest to date, “Precious Gemstones”, writtenjointly with François Farges, Professor at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris.

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